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Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#11 » Sat May 15, 2021 3:45 pm

zulnam wrote: Sat May 15, 2021 3:27 pm I assume it's the pet project of one or two people on the team.
It isn't a pet project that one forcefully added to the roadmap, it's part of what an MMO should include in its diverse aspects.

Arsanist wrote: Sat May 15, 2021 3:16 pm Off the top of my head - What about adding a 'I don't mind mixing brackets' button so that the higher MMR guys can choose to play with lower MMR players if it means getting pops?
Sounds like a good idea to test, we'll have to check its pros and cons with Dalen and evaluate if it's worth being added:
- High MMR players would gain little if they win and lose much more if they lose, if they fight in the lower bracket.
- Lower MMR players might not want to be queued vs a high MMR enemy, even if high MMR would like to 'risk it'.
- The potential abusive behaviors that are generated by this feature.

Posts: 11

Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#12 » Sat May 15, 2021 3:55 pm

the problem is without the brackets order is losing almost every ranked match whereas with the brackets if they don't have a shield dok and rsh you have a decent win chance

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#13 » Sat May 15, 2021 4:55 pm

that low bracked is poping pretty good 2-3 games

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#14 » Sat May 15, 2021 4:59 pm

i really like the new system.

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#15 » Sat May 15, 2021 5:52 pm

new system is cool and fun

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#16 » Sat May 15, 2021 6:44 pm

I don't know if everyone is just 14 years old or lack emotional intelligence but learn how to post feedback instead of shaming the devs who do this in their spare time and let us play free.

There's going to be trial and error, at least they are acting on the feedback. GB already said there's is a vision for ranked. Even if you don't want to play, it gives us another play mode to improve player retention and variety. Personally happy it gives us another channel for epic talismans besides pve.

Let's let it run its course or post constructive feedback.

Posts: 235

Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#17 » Sat May 15, 2021 6:58 pm

zulnam wrote: Sat May 15, 2021 3:27 pm Maybe an unpopular opinion but i'll just say it: i don't care for ranked, never have, and am actually a bit disappointed the dev team spends so many resources on it (i assume it's the pet project of one or two people on the team). What makes Warhammer Online special is not the instanced pvp. If i wanted that i would play one of the dozen modern games that do it just as well if not better.

I mean, I like the idea of scenarios, I even like it much more than Lake PvP(called RvR here). Because it's much more coordinated, much more focused and limited and dependent on player skill than your average RvR nonsense(sorry, I just don't have the zerg mentality for that). But concerning de facto Ranked and Seasons and everything...yes, this could and most likely will work, but...I'm not entirely happy with that. There are other games you can play for Ranked Seasons etc.

But whatever. I'll be utilitarian and just say, whatever's good for the server is good for us.

And yes. Thanks for mentioning that. If PvE loses some of the few things it has...that's troubling. It will need further incentives to even exist.

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#18 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:01 pm

add multiple brackets thats spaced apart 100 mmr, make it so players in anni and conq gear cant be with invader and sov gear players.
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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#19 » Sat May 15, 2021 9:53 pm

One of my chars is a ranged destro - I got into upper bracket straight away and have had one pop since the change in the system.

I now look at playing my tank or healer in upper bracket and order Queue is 0 0 0 0 - no pops.

I can't play ranked on any char :(

I hope a lot of players get promoted up into the upper bracket but my worry is that they are the same players but in different chars which means there won't be many online together - I'd much rather roll the dice and get mixed MMR and at least be able to get regular games.
Arsanist - BW on live.

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Re: Brackets in ranked was it a mistake

Post#20 » Sat May 15, 2021 10:18 pm

My feedback on ranked: (600 ranked games preseason 2)

Ranked just dont have enough players to divide into 2 brackets.
Lets take a deep look into upper bracket, Many of those players have multiple accounts, so its basically 80 players on upper.
Out of those 80, I have a strong feeling that many of them stopped queing in order not to lose their rank number, after leaderbord release. They just want to sit at the top and wait for rewards. Inactivity should be punished by losing mmr.

I actually had very fun games with low mmr players.. Its balanced actualy since both sides get low mmr players. (CRAZY GAMES)What can we do ? the community its small.

How to fix?
-Remove brackets, thats a must.
-Live event: add more rewards beyond elite, lets say "win 20 ranked games"
- Add rewards that cost very high currency. I would say cosmetic. ( Its fun to grind ranked, true mmo style. Some players enjoy logging in every single day and play 5 ranked matches.
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