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SM or KotBS to main?

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Posts: 3

SM or KotBS to main?

Post#1 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:18 pm

Topic is the question. I am enjoying both classes and I know they are different but I want to main and focus on one.

Are they both equally wanted or is the KotBS more due to the Aura's?

Are they both good at DPS (For a Tank ofc) or is it just one?

Either way I lvl them should I do SnB or 2h? I was told it didn't matter as long as you guarded smartly and wern't dumb.


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Re: SM or KotBS to main?

Post#2 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:57 pm

Both are wanted but Knight is the superior tank both in terms of utility and survivability. The SM is better at damage but if you want a high-damage melee elf go with a White Lion or even a geared SW.

All the "special" SM warband utility comes from Whispering Wind. If you don't have that, then generally speaking the warband is better off with Knight instead of a SM.

2H SM are probably superior in roaming gank squads due to their higher DPS and mobility (Wings of Heaven).

All that being said, play what makes you happiest.

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