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Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

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Posts: 171

Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

Post#1 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 5:50 am

We had serpents passage, gates of ekrund, and tier 1 event going at same time in the weekend. That is really bad for population because nobodies knows where to go to find people. I think all that this did was create extremely long queue times for scenarios, which are already divided in t1, t2/3 and t4 brackets. The idea of "if you don't like X content you don't HAVE to do it" is nice and all but ignores the fact that splitting the population, especially in ways that I find unnecessary such as this t1 event, has its effects. This tier 1 event is really strange and I hope it isn't going to continue much further. Already new players are extremely confused, now to top it off they can get hammered by BiS players in their own lakes. Really don't see the direction this event is going.

Posts: 480

Re: Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

Post#2 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:30 am

this event is fine. the t1 event is coo. what is your problem. any player can do what they want. you want just sc, that can i see whatyou wrote. this event is not strange. you must read and then you know what you must do, very easy, this game is more as just pvp.

this game is a mix of pvp/pve,you know that??? the problem is, so many players dont know that or they dont want see how it is.

and devs, very good job continue please, very nice event.

Posts: 8

Re: Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

Post#3 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:59 am

The timing of the t1 event is one of the most stupid thing i've seen in this game. Splitting the rvr population between t1 and t4 on the last weekend of July is something deserving a Nobel Prize, gg devs ;)

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Re: Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

Post#4 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:19 am

You should make an effort to make your posts sound less obnoxious towards the devs who worked hard to create this part 1 of an event that many actually appreciate and want to continue.
To add something constructive to your criticism i think that ingame city-polling should be done to test the waters on what is good or favorable in advance of actually implementing something and then change it in retrospect when you get these bluntly negative feedbacks

That's something that applies not only to the event, but generally i think there'd be less controversy if that happens more often, which in turn could spare the team from atleast some of the needless negativity and downright hostility they get under the guise of criticism

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Re: Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

Post#5 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:36 pm

There was nothing wrong with scen pops this weekend. Both Serpents and Gates were firing off nearly constantly all weekend, don't know what you're smoking.

T1 was there for ppl who wanted to do it. T4 RvR zones still had warband and vanguard size battles during primetime and busy hours. This event in no way harmed the pop compared to normal.
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

Posts: 69

Re: Don't make events that split population up. T1 event is a mistake.

Post#6 » Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:07 pm

I play in a late NA time (~200 to 300 online) and I had no trouble getting SCs to pop at all over the weekend. Sometimes there was a longer wait than others but aside from that it was pretty active. T4 was a bit barren at times but overall nothing out of the ordinary for my playtime.

The Ekrund event overall wasn't too bad, the dwarf/greenskin kills updated from both SCs so no worries on not getting update there. That t1 ORvR part of the event very much fell flat on its face and I have since abandoned trying to get those two holdings updates done so I can't say how that t1 area was during late night NA.

I don't think the double event was a bad idea overall. I just wish the Ekrund one was a bit more reasonable with some of its requirements.

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