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New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#21 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:29 am

just rush 40 pointless staying at low lv now. but then ur still going have to deal with 40/80 players.

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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#22 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:39 am

Sofong wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:29 am just rush 40 pointless staying at low lv now. but then ur still going have to deal with 40/80 players.
Yes, sadly, it is no good progression for new players.
People should spend time learning crafting before 40 without making themselves weaker in the process by farming mobs and getting tons of XP.
They should use talismans without replacing gear too frequently due to high XP gains. Why spend the few money new players have on proper itemization, when you don't use the gear long enough to get the cash back?
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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#23 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:01 am

While I dont entirely agree with OP, I do agree that the 16-39 bracket can be rough to slog through but for entirely different reasons.

Gear and stats dont matter half as much as organized groups, and the true endgame skill in this game is not minmaxing every stat in your character as an individual but finding a group that all understand their roles and play effectively. I think the game in general does a very poor job of explaining this, that fundamentally to succeed in this game you need to get organized.

I understand that this is not everyones cup of tea, and I honestly think this is why the game died on live - some, if not most, players just want to grab a beer or smoke a joint and relax with a game after work. While this game might not be mechanically complex, finding or leading an organized WB/SC premade is just too much hassle, or too "sweaty" for most people to bother with, and the way the game is designed harshly penalizes this attitude.

Basically, you dont lose an SC 500-0 because you have a couple of lowbies on your team, you lose because they are organized and you are not, its as simple as that. Of course veteran players are heavily advantaged in this regard since they have established groups of players to play with who know their way around their class and the game.

I agree it is extremely frustrating to solo q midtier, but the only way to best them is to join them. Join a guild, talk to people and get organized. Without this, the game is a frustrating and tiring experience that you will get fed up with quick. I think this fact needs to be explained somehow by the game for new players.

Posts: 70

Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#24 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:08 pm

Or stop making the 1-40 grind so freaking boring and make it at east 2x or 3x or 4x faster, OP is right, its garbage... probably the most garbage I have seen in any game.

Also, some classes are useless untill later levels while some are better early on... 1-40 should be a breeze not this shitfest that it is. Why does KOTBS get long punt at 36? Whose brilliant idea was it? You basically dont play your class untill 36, what the actual ****.
Last edited by redsunbp on Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#25 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:10 pm

Welcome to MMOs.
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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#26 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:11 pm

Kurama wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:10 pm Welcome to MMOs.
Ehm no, totally not true, but whatever floats your boat.

This is the type of cfap that we had in 2010, shits evolved.

No **** new player retention is horrible, the experience is horrible.

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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#27 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:05 pm

The new player experience was/must be miserable and if anyone says otherwise you must be coping out of your mind. Lvl 1 to 39 literally doesnt matter at this point of the server's existence. You don't have any resemblance of your kit till you are into cr30+. There is already a decent learning curve to the game. Server has existed long enough that most people have atleast Vanq+ gear on average.Why not just get new players sorted at a basic level so that they can hop into endgame pvp faster which is main draw of RoR. Something like a boost to xp/rr till a new character hits 40/40 then this boost falls off and give a fresh 40/40 character a free set of gear around ruin/conq gear to get them started off in ORVR. The population is keeps going down, entire guilds stopped playing but you know what its just "summer time" i suppose.

For the OP , some stuff i usually do at lvl16 to kinda ease my way into T2/T3
1) T2 epic quests from Dwarf/Orc zone and HE/DE zone ( Use wiki)
2) Altdorf sewer/Destro equivalent lvl16 dungeon - huge boost of exp and a set of gear.
3) Use talismans. even green ones of appropriate level are better than no talismans.
4) Try and leech off in RvR to get influence rewards. Some can be very useful.
5) Most importantly find a good guild to play with. Avoid guilds that are spamming lfg channel with their invite.Those are trash and useless.
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Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#28 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:22 pm

Blodigmotor wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:01 am talk to people
no you cant make me

Posts: 70

Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#29 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:28 pm

Asderas27 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:05 pm The new player experience was/must be miserable and if anyone says otherwise you must be coping out of your mind. Lvl 1 to 39 literally doesnt matter at this point of the server's existence. You don't have any resemblance of your kit till you are into cr30+. There is already a decent learning curve to the game. Server has existed long enough that most people have atleast Vanq+ gear on average.Why not just get new players sorted at a basic level so that they can hop into endgame pvp faster which is main draw of RoR. Something like a boost to xp/rr till a new character hits 40/40 then this boost falls off and give a fresh 40/40 character a free set of gear around ruin/conq gear to get them started off in ORVR. The population is keeps going down, entire guilds stopped playing but you know what its just "summer time" i suppose.

For the OP , some stuff i usually do at lvl16 to kinda ease my way into T2/T3
1) T2 epic quests from Dwarf/Orc zone and HE/DE zone ( Use wiki)
2) Altdorf sewer/Destro equivalent lvl16 dungeon - huge boost of exp and a set of gear.
3) Use talismans. even green ones of appropriate level are better than no talismans.
4) Try and leech off in RvR to get influence rewards. Some can be very useful.
5) Most importantly find a good guild to play with. Avoid guilds that are spamming lfg channel with their invite.Those are trash and useless.
Someone who speaks the truth I want to speak, but much more polite.

New player grind is the shittest I have ever experienced in any mmo and you are all making excuses.

1-40 is dogshit, no, I wouldbt even let my dog eat the 1-40 experience, its horrible, it's bad, its terrible, its depressing and no one wants to endure that crap.

Posts: 70

Re: New Player 16-39 Experience is Atrocious

Post#30 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:30 pm

Its 2022 wake the **** up nobody got time for that

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