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Fort rework: Siegecamp BOs & towers.

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Fort rework: Siegecamp BOs & towers.

Post#1 » Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:23 am


Disclaimer. Any NUMBER or mechanic in this suggestion is naturally up for change. This is just a suggestion made to spark conversation or inspire for more interesting mechanics from the developers to improve RoR into its best potential!
Without not too much introduction the fortress situation, campaign and fun-factor in this part of the game probably need a bigger helping hand in terms of how they unfold.
The easier solutions would be to either remove them, which is a shame because of their potential and previous work-hours put into making them functional on RoR.
Or to rework them so they are not just a glorified Nascar race, doordropping waiting room, and an upscaled Morale4 pump + funnel :roll:

So instead trying to extend what I assume is realistic in terms of world building, gameplay systems that would be more engaging and adress what I would say are some design flaws in current forts:
- Stage 2 could be fun when there are balance between defenders and attackers and objectives are in play all over the map. Which very rarely happends.
- Stage 2 without an NPC healer builds bad gameplay and strategy. "farming" the defenders by overwhelming them in the open to reduce their woundsdebuff stacks are not engaging and punishes pvping and kills the action.
- Stage2 into Stage3 transitioning is going from using majority of the zone, to reducing the action hotspot into lordroom and in same cases one or two other floor-levels. And in 9/10 cases is this just a "build m4, then funnel break attempt" stalemate waiting phase.
- Stage3 mechanics were a good idea. Some of them are not very engaging for gameplay and only 1/3 of the racial spread mechanics are making Jailbreak be a functional 2nd chance. Cauldron and racial aggro reset made more sense when players had to plan which fort difficulty then wanted to take, or lock for the enemy realm, when the campaign was based around locking pairing to attack cities.

Lets dive into the suggestion then:
The fortress zone will open after the last of the defensive zones for a realm have been captured by the enemy realm (KV, Eataine, Reikland for Order. And Black Craig, Chaos Waste, Caledor for Destro)
Phase one will be preparation with reservations just like now. But attackers and defenders will have even ammount of numbers. This current restriction with defenders having less numbers made sense when it was a funnel meta, but hopefully my suggestion will break the funnel and therefor the need for more attacking spots than defenders.
Phase two will last up-to 60minuts. Both attackers and defenders will have acces to a NPC healer which cant be killed. There will be five battleobjectives same as currently, but instead of a flag. it will be a PQ in each little objective area where the attackers need to hold and control each Battleobjective called Siegecamp for 6minuts to spawn a forwarded Siegetower model automatically when the PQ timer is completed and enough resources have been built into a tower and placed near the wall location on locked spots.

Visual example in Maw Fortress zone:

When a Siegecamp (BO) have been held by the attacking realm for 6minuts (will give 10chances of a siegetower during a fortress zone of 60min per BO) this will spawn a siegetower near the wall. This siegeequipment will slowly move from its spawn location near the wall towards the wall and be attackable by defenders.
- Siegetower will move with 90% reduced movementspeed towards the wall and spawn after 6minuts of holding assosiated BO. it will have HP roughly at a value so 30players will take 2-3minuts to destroy it. Siegetowers can be affected by hold the line and healed by Tank's archtype Bulward ability for 5% per ability used on it.

Best case situation for attackers they control all five siegecamps, and will almost simultaneously spawn a siegetower on each of the walls on the fortress keep. Defenders can either push out and try to stall the 6minut hold on a Battleobjective to reset the construction build timer. Defend a single siegetower location spawned ahead of time with a big portion of their players or destroy the tower before it reaches the wall, or kill the players as the walk up the ramps of the tower trying to breach the wall.

Images of ingame siegetower models ive found on RoR. I imagine the ramp of the Gates of Ekrund siegetower will lead for the most enjoyable experience accounting for collision and line of sight and manuverability.

Worst case scenario for defenders, they are outnumbered and cant defend the Battleobjective siegecamps. Five siegetowers are incoming and they have to default into defending lords room.
For each Siegetower that has been spawned by the attackers, and the siegecamp still kept under control a siegeladder will spawn to reach top floor from the side of inner walls to lordsroom. Allowing for an other entry point for attackers to climb into lords room.

Hopefully in most fortress situation with even numbers full forts there will be battle over each of the siegecamp Battleobjectives trying to hold/reset the timers giving incentive and contribution rewards for holding/captureing them (1k renown tick for capture by defenders. 250rp tick per 1minut of holding on a flag and contribution ticks per one minut)
Since the attackers can make and breach the walls already after stage2 begins and 6min in, the lord will have a scaling damae mitigating mechanic scaling with AAO. Simply he will be harder hitting and take longer to kill based on how much AAO the defenders have. Defenders spawn at the Siegecamp them have had under control the longest. In case of no controled siegecamps defenders spawn in jail and can the jailbreak lever can be pulled every 1minut if uninterrupted for 10sec channel by an ally.

This suggestion is based around keeping Battleobjective control important, consistant to spread the action and not nascar, and to make the fortress defend feel more engaging than just funneling an entry point where defenders now can be more proactive in making counterpushes and harrash the siege without penalty of stacking woundsdebuffs or being naturally outnumbered. Though with some advantage in wall control, untill breached. With the possibility in players hands to swing the momentum back at any time, and with AAO helping the defenders so we hopefully get out of the loop of almost no defenders (destro)

-Captureing and holding the battleobjectives give same contribution as current system of captureing stage2 flags.
-Player kills and repairing siegetowers give attacking contribution
-Killing fortress lord.

-Being near a destroyed siegetower gives contribution for defenders, or resetting a Siegecamp progression for defenders.
-Uncapping a siegecamp BO and resetting the timer gives more being on the flag, gives more contribution the longer attackers have held a flag 1-6min.
-Player kills.

Lord mechanics;
- Fortress lord will have his toughness and damage output scaling with AAO for offzone safetynet. aao = %more dmg/toughness on lord.
- Fortress lord will have 300% more hatred aggro towards players of his rival race (Dwarf Greenskin, Elf Elf, Empire chaos.)
- Fortress lord will spawn the cauldron after being tanked for 20sec by the same player consecutive (attackers have control) Cauldron ticking for same as currently.
- Fortress lord will do a big aoe frontal Cleave attack with broadcasted warning in chat for attackers and defenders to see and 5sec warning. Attack will dealing damage for 5000physical. 1 minut cooldown. Will only do first Cleave after 30sec of consecutive tanked. (no instant wipe of attackers on a push)
- Fortress lord will apply a stacking armor debuff every 20sec on the player with most aggro stacking 20times for 250armor and duration resets from each new stack. Fades after 2min of no now stacks applied.
Cauldron + bad tanking and frontal cleave can actually wipe really unorganized attackers and with aggro running lose and no maintank. instead of current tank and spank. Also aao makes this encounter harder to give some

Removed features from current fortresses:
- No ram on inner gate!
- No jailbreak scrolls in player inventories.
- No Brew item spawning on Flags
- No Flyers
- No different mechanics depending on fortress zone
- No diffenrence between stage2 and stage3 they are merged into one big battle for up to 60mins.
- No orcapults
. No difference in defenders/attackers ratio. Both realms allowed 120 players inside a fortress. The ammount inside is determined by attackers entering, and defenders can match this number.

Coding numbers initual suggestion:
- Siegecamps need to be held for 6mins per tower spawned
- Siegetower health will be same as current rams and take same reduced damage. But will be able to be take effect of Bulward from Tanks and Hold the Line stacks. Unhealable from Reinforce warengine and normal healing abilities.
- Siegetowers will be placed initially near the wall in range of ranged dps to attack them and slowly move with 90% reduced speed to the wall fixed location automatically.
- Siegetowers will take reduced damage from AoE abilities 75% less.
- Lord armor debuff will be 250armor stacking 20times refreshing every 20sec fading after none tanking for 2minuts. New stacks refreshes the timer.
- Lords cleave attack will happen after 60sec consecutive tanking by same player (anti control mechanic, but also not oneshotting attackers against a lordroom def push. 60sec cooldown to match morales to counter his big burst and mitigatable with physical)
- Lords dmg modifier/intake will scale with AAO %

I know its alot. I know its very different. And I thiiink it might be possible to code and impliment, but would it be better and more fun? I was trying to adress the problems as I see them in current version of fortresses.
Thanks for reading.
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