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Request: warband MOTD feature

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Request: warband MOTD feature

Post#1 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:44 pm

Meant to post this years ago, just remembered that I had the idea.

The Issue

In warbands there is often a lot of standard information that you need to keep conveying to people who join, such as:

1) Who the main assist is
2) What zone you are in
3) Invite links to discords
4) etc

This usually leads to a constant flow of people asking for that information and it having to be repeated over and over again, filling warband chat with duplicated spam.

Proposed Solution

Warband leaders and assistants should be able to set a "Message of the day" (MOTD) for the current warband. That message is automatically sent to anyone who joins the warband, and if the MOTD is changed then the new version is broadcast to all current members in the warband. This can be implemented using a . command, such as:

.wbsetinfo Welcome to the warband. Main assist is @Bob, discord link is, we are in Praag.

And in addition, if anyone in the warband wanted to see the current message again then they could just do:


And the current message would be sent direct to them (not the whole warband).

The text message can be completely free-form; there is no need for the server to force special requirements/etc other than adhering to whatever word/content filters apply to warband chat. All the server would need to do is ensure that it is clear that the message being sent to the players is the warband MOTD.

This feature would allow warband leaders and assistants to manage their warbands easier, cut down on useless/duplicated chat and allow people who join to engage much quicker without having to wait for someone else to tell them the basic details. And if a user does lose the discord link due to chat scrolling too fast then they have the power to just type ".wbinfo" in chat and be sent a copy of the message again automatically.


I've written this up from the point of view of a warband, but it would likely also be useful for a 6-person group that has not been converted to a warband, where the group leader has a .groupsetinfo command and the people in the group have a .groupinfo command.

I could not think up a snazzy universal command name that worked equally as well for 6-man groups and for warbands. I leave that as an exercise for the devs or commenters...
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Re: Request: warband MOTD feature

Post#2 » Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:24 pm

There is /partynote <message> but fewer than none uses it....
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Re: Request: warband MOTD feature

Post#3 » Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:40 pm

To be honest I'd imagine this could be done with an add-on that when someone joins your wb/grp it sends them a pre-set tell with the info.
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