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Scenario surrender change

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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#81 » Sun May 28, 2023 4:52 pm

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 3:31 pm
Detangler wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:35 pm
Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm

Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
Oh man I love it when people use the argument "I have a real life, unlike you sweaty nerds" while playing a long dead fantasy MMO about elves and orcs bashing each other with swords and casting fancy magic.

Also when they say they spent a solid 2 hour chunk bashing said swords and casting said magics...
Are you unable to find the sense behind it? Then pls don't reply.....
The players in here seems to be the reason why its dead. The same issue, the same arguments and nothing learned.

Really senseless..... You wanna farm Pug. Say it. But you dont say it..... As Always. And complain about the lack of players..... Its disgusting....
Actually I think you are the one that doesn't find the sense behind my post. I perfectly understand your complaints and pointed out the fallacy of calling other players on here "no-lifers..."
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#82 » Sun May 28, 2023 5:18 pm

CyunUnderis wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 4:28 pm
Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm Pareto law etc ...
This is funny because the louder people on the forum are the PUG players that blame x-realm and organized parties for all their troubles.

And, as an organized players, I feel like a lot of the changes help more PUG instead of the organized WB/parties (morale change, no more AoE heal debuff, timed cities, for the single currency, the one or two weeks events with nice items/consumables).

But, nice try with the Pareto Law.
It's not only they are loud, they are also derailing other threads. These thread was not about solos suffering from premades or premades that want to dominate, but about people suffering ON THE LOOSING side from cowardness.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#83 » Sun May 28, 2023 5:26 pm

Brakh wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 11:54 am There was so many cool ideas how to improve current scenario system.
Mixed order/destro parties like it was in ranked.
Tab where people can see current number of players in queue with their roles or number of already ongoing scenarios.
These solutions were already implemented in ranked, why not to apply them to normal scenarios?
i would like a suggest system to what archtype log to get balancwed sc with out show numbers aka scenarios need these archtype: tank etc
mix realms was such a lame concept, total in contrast of what the game is realm vs realm.

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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#84 » Mon May 29, 2023 7:54 am

Everdin wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 3:14 pm Weekend rewards are the bigger carrot I talked about. Accept that there is a more rewarding thing for more effort. Are you also pissed you can't play pve Dungeons alone? No, so why about other group content?
With dungeons I don't have big button saying "queue solo" but for scenarios i have.... Hmmmm....
Not to say that dungeons are scaled for 6man parties and even if i pick up randoms i will have more or less the same experience.
If i pick up randoms from /5 ill either get ego players or people who just discovered chat and decided how it is to join someones group
And scenarios are scaled for what? half of them are 6v6, another third is 12v12 and some are 18v18.
The point is that no matter how teamplay oriented the game is, it will always have solo play, and leaving option there leads to having a healthier pop in general because those solo people who play scenarios might also move boxes inbetween scenarios leading to zone level up.
I know 80% of people here would prefer if they could queue triple doomstack vs pugs that dont have healer into map without guards at spawn and just meatgrind the pugs. Even better, im pretty sure a lot would prefer if they could double warband stack into 2 party scenario afterall respecting 1v1 is too much in this game.
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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#85 » Mon May 29, 2023 9:16 am

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 3:28 pm
lemao wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:57 pm
Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm

Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
So you are saying premade players have less real life because they manage to socialise and group up in an MMO ? Doesn´t make sense to me. Well anyways, keep getting farmed. Atleast you made me laugh.
When they have more time to socialise in an digital environment they have less Real life then someone who don't have this time..... Or has the Premadediscordantsocializeplayer a day longer then 24 hrs? No? Then he has less Real life away from the digital Environment. Its math. When math makes you laugh you are good in math or the reason for the laughter....
You maybe need 5-10 mins to ask your guild in discord (if it´s an alive guild) to get together 5 other players . Or you know, if you have discord on your phone you can even ask there 1 day before, if someone is up to play the enxt day in the evening, shocking right ? Takes SO MUCH time away from your real life.

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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#86 » Mon May 29, 2023 9:28 am

lemao wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 9:16 am You maybe need 5-10 mins to ask your guild in discord (if it´s an alive guild) to get together 5 other players . Or you know, if you have discord on your phone you can even ask there 1 day before, if someone is up to play the enxt day in the evening, shocking right ? Takes SO MUCH time away from your real life.
100% ! This is an event that you have every week-end, since a long time, so it can be scheduled with events on Discord or in game with the guild Calendar.

Posts: 347

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#87 » Mon May 29, 2023 10:37 am

Ok if i understand this Thread right (or, this thread is hilarious):
Shalanor wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 6:24 am Pareto? Know it? 20% of Players play premade and 80% are not.

AH no problem ! 80% of your enemies are not premades. The 1 in 5 situation where you find a Premade is surely not ruining the fun !

rejndjer wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 8:48 am
CyunUnderis wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 9:01 pm
rejndjer wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 4:31 pm i played 9 basin scenarios today, lost all 9, but at least my kd didnt fall too hard. cya again next time devs put "play 10 x scenario to get superOP pocket item".
How many did you do with a premade ? Just to be sure that you understand when people try to give you advice about the Week-end Event.
why would i make a premade when it takes less time to do event task without making premade?

p.s. and btw i forgot to mention that half these loses we actually had more kills than destro, so who cares.

Perfect, even if matched vs premades it works better solo anyway!
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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#88 » Mon May 29, 2023 10:53 am

Detangler wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 1:17 am

Most people can't play this game worth a damn, not just DPS.

Tanks have one job over all else - use their guard.
Heals have one job - press heal buttons on friends.
Dps have one job - assist friendly dps to kill stuff.

What do we have? Tanks that set guard on a back line healer and run deep into enemy territory to smack enemy healers for 100 damage. Healers that forget they have a rez button or pre-hot melee charging into front lines. Dps that all run around hitting different targets and wondering why nothing dies.

90% of the reason /5 premades stomp pugs is because people who join premades on average are better players. All the forum warriors chiming in on this thread probably are going to flame me, tell me I'm wrong, and tell me they're definitely above average (which may be true). So to be clear - I'm not talking about you. You all play scenarios same as me, you see what I'm talking about.

A /5 premade isn't about stomping pugs, it's about 2 things:

1. Stacking the odds of NOT getting 11 people in duelist gear still figuring out how to use that new M4 ability.

2. Giving this horrible matchmaker the finger so you at least have one balanced party in your scenario so you don't waste time with yet another no healer waste of time 5 minute scenario.
I fully agree with all you wrote.
For reasons like this I lost all mercy for pugs who think they are being farmed by premade long ago.

I say this as someone, who queues solo quite often as well. You deserve to lose if being on the worse team, there is no excuse.

Players have the tools to fix unbalanced groups in SC. They can spec for builds more suited for SC to increase their odds of winning.
They have a plethora of add-ons to enhance their ability to make decisions in-game.
People lose despite having 2-2-2 because all tanks are stacked in one group and nobody bothers to swap party, same with healers.
People go lazy with consumables, because they don't want to waste their gold during pugging, gratz, you just made it more difficult for all and you are not even the only one.
Healers not buffing their party or "solo flag heroes", who think they can take or pick up flag while surrounded by half a dozen enemies are just the icing on the cake.
Dying is no option.

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Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#89 » Tue May 30, 2023 10:30 pm

Can we get a shorter timer before we can .surrender? Having to wait 3 or 4 minutes is way too long.

Posts: 54

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#90 » Tue May 30, 2023 11:11 pm

Tesq wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 5:26 pm
Brakh wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 11:54 am There was so many cool ideas how to improve current scenario system.
Mixed order/destro parties like it was in ranked.
Tab where people can see current number of players in queue with their roles or number of already ongoing scenarios.
These solutions were already implemented in ranked, why not to apply them to normal scenarios?
i would like a suggest system to what archtype log to get balancwed sc with out show numbers aka scenarios need these archtype: tank etc
mix realms was such a lame concept, total in contrast of what the game is realm vs realm.
Or maybe just show the data of how many of each archetype have participated from each side in the last 10-20 scenarios and how long did it take to fill the said 10-20 scs. So if you see your realm has 15% tanks 70% dps and 15% healers in the last half hour whereas the enemy realm is closer to 33%/33%/33% you will know what your chances to get "balanced" compositions are when you solo queue with your rdps. And we all know that most of those tanks/healers will most probably be in those "hated" premades, so good luck queuing with those odds.

Back to OP, i couldn't agree more to the suggestion. Ppl shouldn't play the game the way that simply harvests the most rewards. They should actually PLAY the game and the suggestion in the OP gives incentive to do that. Gear comes 3rd in weight AFTER personal skill and, most importantly, having a full grp where each member does what s/he's supposed to do. Chances are that even if you do get more crests/hour and you do get to BiS gear you will still be below average player who just drops more crests when s/he gets killed. And you will still wonder why it happens, and still blame the "classes balance" or the "premades" or anything other than the fact that you got to BiS without actually knowing how the game is played because it was more "time efficient" to /surrender. And then you will drop the server with the worst impression of it. Sad...

P.S.: Before you tag me as a premade enthusiast-elitist know that i solo queue.
yes i'm toxic but i speak the "truth"
(disclaimer: "truth" is subjective to a person's point of view and possible personal interest)
congratulations! your vision is perfect!
rly? don't you have anything better to do?

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