[Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

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[Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

Post#1 » Sun Jul 02, 2023 9:52 pm


This system was probably already intented for AoR but never introduced.
See screenshot of ingame boxes for guild trophies:

While I am very interested in hearing if other people have suggestions or ideas for a cool system for these, or hearing from the RoR coders if this ancient leftover have any interesting files or old systems in the code. I also came up with a sort of basic system for it.
I will split this topic up in 3 sections:
a) General guild banner talk and analysis
b) Banner trophy suggestion
c) Event introduction

First of all, I personally think there could be more to guild banners in RoR. Right now they have served for a ress option for nonhealer archtypes in smallscale, they might be used during a funnel situation, or in some pve dungeons.
But what if they were more often used for pvp?
What are the limmitations to banners to be used more often.

The movementspeed of the banneruser is currently only 45%movementspeed if your guild is level 39.
For the fantasy of full warbands of dwarves charging into a warband of orcs with both sides being on foot with a standardbarrer on each side the movementspeed would need to be on pair with mounted. This could be done with a banner quest, or just banner fuctionality that whenever you have say 12allies in your warband with you the bannerspeed is increased from 45% to normal 60% "mountspeed" and the movementspeed buff will affect nearby group/warbandmembers while they are within say 60ft. The moment the standard barrer is in combat the movementspeed buff is lost for all previously affected.

As for the buff benefits i'll be going over some of that under the suggestion. But right now the buffs even with 15%mainstat to 24people is not deemed good enough to fall behind running with a banner, compared to be mounted and keeping up with your team.

The abilities are pretty cool, some of them can help blocking a keepdoor in a funnel with immunity and bodyblock, some of them used to bannerpunt over edges or walls, or naturally the smallscale ress. These are probably fine as they are.

You know that feeling of you just pushed your enemy at their keep, you see a banner and you capture it. Sweet. You get some renown and move on.
But what if that captured flag, now unlocked something for your guild. A little symbol of captureing their sigil, and boasting about it in an innocent way?

Gameplay suggstion1:
I suggest that when captureing an enemy banner your own guild unlocks a banner tactic used for the top slots on the screenshot and the guildleader/officers can then pick which trophy to equip and the banner gives associated buffs to the users when under the banner effect.
An example of this buff could be the bannertactic will now replace a str 15% buff to be a 15%buff to your archtype mainstat for all withinrange (str for melee, toughness for tank, willpower for healer etc.)

Pure aesthetics suggestion2:
You captured an enemy banner, and you can now decorate your own banner with a stolen guild sigil of the enemy guild hanging in poor condition from your own standard as a boast and reminder of the defeat.

"Capture the flag" event on RoR.
Should ANY changes come from this idea no matter in what shape or form, then imagine if there was a liveevent along with the same patch.
Something related to captureing guild standards, buffing allies, killing while under the effect of guild buff etc etc.
This could be combined with an RoR youtube promotion video if there was any good fighting roaming footage with the little companies on the ground roaming around with a standard barrer or two. Along with it could maybe be cool also for the server's Realm Watch.

Any thoughts for or against, or other different suggestions towards guildbanners & guildtrophies?
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Re: [Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

Post#2 » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:33 pm

I think those buffs are far too strong. I like the idea of it aesthetically. And I wish you could carry the banner and fight with it on your back to represent your guild on the field. It'd be great if bonuses from guild flags were only enabled if you held an active keep. But it wouldn't be owned by 1 guild but by contributions from multiple guilds. On top of the stars system. Guild contributions in terms of gold (a gold sink) would enable stronger guards and special perks for everyone and for guilds that contribute more. If they lose the keep and were defending it, they could get a buff/reward for attempting to hold the keep, again influenced by how much they contributed. Attackers would get a reward based on the total contribution of the keep from guilds and the flag of the top contributor rewarded to the leader of the top contributor for the attackers keep. Giving them a specific buff for a limited time and also able to parade around the captured flag.
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Re: [Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

Post#3 » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:45 pm

banner punt has always been an ankward balance options, it does serve its purpose and it's avaible both side but it's really meh in design imo; i like the speed buff, each guild should came with its own banner if after lv 20 every banner give 50% speed buff when not in combat it woul be cool, not good as a 60% mount so slowert since you run with a banner, yet you get some slight buff in combat, 2% stuff; maybe it should give renown bonus as default to run with it, (and give lots renown to enemy guild if you lose it ...maybe some kind of pool of renown that charge over time, like the more your wb kill with it the more renown the banner gona give when enemy get it).

-Just remember NO banner collision "on" PLEASE, because someone remember the time they had it...it was not cool.....

-yes to more cosmetic stuff its always a win win unless its aoe aura bubble effect around ppl or vertical omipresent light....avoid those 2 or too much light vfx and we good.

-dont make banner that much strong btw, make it cool not op.

Posts: 679

Re: [Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

Post#4 » Mon Jul 03, 2023 8:58 am

I'm for any gameplay additions that create more strategic depth, and also increase things like guild/realm identity.

So, yes!

A few thoughts;

I think the tooltip of the banner might say it applies to a maximum of 24 or 32 players (don't exactly remember) but I think in actuality it applies to all players within range and doesn't seem to have a maximum player count.

Currently the banner effects are quite undervalued in large-scale fighting. 5% stat bonuses applied on a large scale are very significant.

What I would personally love to see is a wider selection of buffs, which might make some off-meta warband compositions more playable.
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Re: [Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

Post#5 » Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:00 am

Just for Optics this would be great!

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Re: [Suggestion] Guild banner trophies

Post#6 » Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:08 am

Guilds needs to be more attractive and give stats depending on the level of the guild
(Like + 15 strength + 15 wounds...)

Default guild must not give this potential bonus to force players to change for a real guild

Guild emblem really need to be avalable at creation of the guild

Banners need more slots to be use by more people

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