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Xrealm imbalance quick fix

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Posts: 11

Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#1 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:41 pm

Just change the timer to xrealm from 1 hour to 1 week. Yes people could make new accounts to xrealm whenever they want, but they would have to be starting a fresh new account. I believe this would remedy some of the population imbalance issues where if one side is winning it causes a domino effect of xrealmers switching sides, making the other side's population overwhelming and unfair to those who play the way it was originally intended, only on one side.

This way if you choose to switch sides on your account you commit to that side for an entire week making it far more meaningful than it currently is where you could switch sides 24 times a day.

Posts: 7230

Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#2 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:04 pm

Brilliant idea, nobody had this idea before!
How do you combat people logging off or leaving rvr zone, when their side keeps losing?
RVR pop won't be balanced for any longer period of time, no matter how you lock players to their side.
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Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#3 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:29 pm

And here we are again! Another post that thinks xrealm is the source of all evil.

Why not rather talk about the lack of organization of a faction during certain game times (late EU, NA, early EU) ?
Or the solitary (not to say selfish) attitude of some players (there are many individual players who refuse to group, just look at how "fast" you can build an SC group on the Order side or the astronomical amount of AM/Shaman DPS/WE/WH) ?

Why think that the fluctuation of the population of a realm during a certain moment of the day is linked to this desire to be in the dominant faction ? However, it could be justified in several other ways:
- Late night in the player's country
- IRL constraints (work, time to eat; ...)
- Tired of being dominated : I cut the game and I'll play another game or I'll do something else (PvE/SC)
- etc ...

Let's assume for a moment that this xrealm story is true, and that not all xlream players help with faction balancing. What happens to xrealm guilds playing the xlream game at 100% (so logging only in the AAO side) ?
They will accumulate all on one side ?
Having to agree on who plays which week which faction ?
During prime time, how is it for guilds that can change realms when there's nothing left to fight with ? These WBs also have to stop their raid earlier ?
Same question if some WBs decide not to play on a usual raid evening (lack of players especially during the summer period for example) ? WBs that can switch realms to balance population won't be able to (and they can't always do so currently due to the 1.5 hour restrictions).

And if in the end we went to a 1 week locked, what would prevent the players from not accumulating all on one side ?
Same question for guilds (already the case more or less voluntarily for SC/City)? If this situation happens, we will be in a much more unpleasant situation than before.

In short, once again, a superb suggestion that has been carefully considered.

Posts: 404

Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#4 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:52 pm

Here we go again - the xrealmers claiming they xrealm for balance when really its to farm people in low pop forts.
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Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#5 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:50 am

Garamore wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:52 pm Here we go again - the xrealmers claiming they xrealm for balance when really its to farm people in low pop forts.
Why xrealm to the already dominant side with an organized group/WB? To have less enemies?

If they wouldn't relog to defend fort, the zerg would win fort as easily as they took the zone before with empty keeps and total boredom.
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Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#6 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:10 am

As with any Crossrealming topic, lets get the reason why crossrealming "needs" to be included out of the way.
The game is free to play, so people can & will make two accounts. So the only people a one-realm only playtime would hurt, are the people in the unknown.
IP lockouts can be bypassed with VPN.

So where should the lockout timer be, well it was last changed to adress people "throwing forts" to unlock a citysiege (unofficially known as the Rowan patch :roll: )
But since forts are not really too connected to fortresses anymore, it could be up for a new debate if the crossrealm timer should be adjusted again.

But honestly. If one side is steamrolling 1-2 zones and people swap over and defend against the masses and put up a fight, isnt that "good crossrealming"?
Crossrealming and winnerjoining are the two terms often mixed together.

Now what sucks, and what upsets players are two things:
a) The guys who just helped me get a zonelock are now against me. (sometimes they carried and provided a zonelock) and now they dont carry, or they evened out the numbers.
b) Free loot is not so free any more.

I dont personally see a solution, either it ends up in empty keeps and pvd or people at times swap over to the underdog after creating momentum and then farming that momentum.
Bombling 92BW
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Posts: 423

Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#7 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:58 am

In a 2 faction game it is the responsibility of the players to police things that would be considered by most to be fun. Fun is subjective so that sometimes mass farming by one side happens and you get the over zealous people boasting their prowess. But the game is actually in favor (reward wise) In the underdogs. The cavate is that it takes organization and people getting togeather to make that happen. So the moral of the story is not exrealming or switching sides. But making groups that can actually make a difference.
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Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#8 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:25 am

In my opinion, the way xrealming should be counteracted is by rewarding the people who stay with the outnumbered faction.

But the reward needs to be sizable, since fighting outnumbered is very difficult, and it's especially important that it is also rewarding for pugs and new players, and not just for experienced 6-mans who know how to kite warbands.

I would basically double the current effects of AAO, and even consider a set of new rewards (not gear) for fighting outnumbered. Realm pride goodies, event slot items, stalwart soulstones, that sort of thing.
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

Posts: 29

Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#9 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:41 am

Pure760 wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:41 pm Just change the timer to xrealm from 1 hour to 1 week. Yes people could make new accounts to xrealm whenever they want, but they would have to be starting a fresh new account.
Make a fresh new account kind of like you did just to leave this forum post

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Re: Xrealm imbalance quick fix

Post#10 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:59 am

how about add something extremely OP at rr200 so every chases the carrot :D

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