The Ability System Rewrite and Provisional Patch Notes

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#61 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:06 am

Ok i know this is not the finished product, but i will judge what i see thus far, some of this i find baffling.

IB Nerf - Damn one of his few utilities gutted, ok....Could you at least roll rising anger into the class?

Slayer 2h tree nerfed - Why we nerfing a mastery path that's hardly used?? Harsh.

WP snare - Why does DOK get to AOE snare but WP is not allowed a smaller ST one? Feels one sided here...
Will you at least consider rolling Endless guilt into Weight of guilt to compensate?

Engie/Magus - WOW ok this better be a result of the revamp because this is Giga bad.

RP tactic - i'm confused, why we are making a single target tactic better for AOE, i cant judge this as i don't understand it.

WH/WE nerfed - Mmm lets face it this needed to happen to be fair, im good with this.

AM/Shaman changes - looks good i think, they were a lil slippery.

SM/Knight look great tho - Praise that all day long!
Last edited by Dackjanielz on Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:04 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#62 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:23 am

Let's say this balance goes live like it is tested now (which i don't think will be).

I got bis WH, SW, Kotbs, decent WL.
WH: nerfed
SW: nerfed
WL: nerfed
Kotbs: yay

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#63 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:30 am

I surely hope the engineer/magus changes never see the light of day. If so, that surely means someone is harbouring a grudge against the sniper squad.
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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#64 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:38 am

nerfing choppa make ather destro clases also welcome into wb.
what i expect reducing heal from bullets (wh)
also witchbrew shoud be nerfed
choppa finally will use some more buttons than gtdc or bring it on. nerfing range is way to go. i expect also pulls will double check before pull. like wl pull and mara pull
kobs didnt get core runefang its was mirored to chosen
i also expect if ap is 300 than soul/right is also 300 not 250 (there is so many ap pots/abilities/tactics what help u. byt outside dok/wp 0 essence restore) even nerfed chalices /books
lets also remove that wounds buff from phantom blade , ppl use it with wp in party and think they are ''smart''. it was for black orc
black orc should also tree hit combo with snb and 2h/snb use same abilities no striction to 1 or another weapon
sw needed nerf its hited 3k maby even more on tank
i hope see back aoe ranged rsh (atm moment we are not 20ppl online that we need 2 st trees)
dam dps am and shammies finally get nerfed. what can i say its brilliant.
aoe shoudnt hit so hard its make st grp useless. so nerfing all aoe to 0,65 is good.(why would u use st if aoe is scaled to main stat more than st skills?)
reworking on slayer id i also hope.
p.s to all haters. all aoe buffs was added when highest was vanquisher and after that invader. byt atmoment u have so much gear to mix. u cap 2 main stats at 80. hv ring has no slot place. u can mix pve with pvp gear. both share same achievments to unlock. adding ranked solo triumphant to rvr make ppl too powerfull. i see in past all was buffed skills and nerfed t3armor (ruin/anni/merce) why???) byt sovereign didnt had touched. so this nerfs affect all players. necessery nerfs.
p.s.s maby finally zerging will be stopped. and ppl make more assist main target (or learn to do it after gtdc nerf lol)
and lets be honest its nerf if u are bad player.
p.s.s.s enginer and mara was same tier players ( class killboard shoed it) top is slayers and choppas. and noone really whanted not enginers not maras in their wb. (if u are not leader) so what i fought for is that all clases has their spot in wb. removing gtdc and rework rift/magnet make engi and maguses welcome in wb. ;-)
Last edited by normanis on Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#65 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:40 am

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:44 pm Image
- Flanking Shot - No longer has additional critical hit rate based on target health. Shadow Warrior already has a ranged finisher ability in Fell the Weak. This is now a higher damage positional ability, but doesn’t attempt to be a finisher at the same time.
Scout SW indeed has a finisher in the form of Fell the Weak. No, you can't call Flanking Shot a second finisher since scout SW's base damaging ability (EE) deals more damage. The only time you gonna use Flanking shot is the time when you are trying to chase something, LOSING your damage potential because of using skirmish skills.

On the other hand, skirmish SW does not have any access to Fell the Weak (well, techincally, you can get it, but, since its scout stance only and 13p in scout tree, you can't use it effectively).

Summary, it's a skirmish SW nerf because scout can't have 2 "finishers", completely neglecting the fact that Flanking shot can be called a "finisher" only by skirmish SW standarts while for a scout SW this ability can't even compete with your basic spam ability.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#66 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:06 am

Thanks for the hard work. Few words that everyone, including detractors, should expose, if only to pay respect to the effort.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#67 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:09 am

Sh rip again :(

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#68 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:13 am

Thanks for your efforts guys and please keep up with the good work and testing (even if the cost of 15 RF of judgment freaks me out).
Burn the heretics!
Last edited by ilferro on Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#69 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:15 am

I really hope that these are only temporary changes.

SW/SH/Engi/Magus got rekt really hard. More like destroyed. Engi nerfs? Really? It is the worst performing class right now. See

On the other hand I don't see any real nerfs to healing or survivability of tanks and tanky melee dps.

Feels pretty out of touch. Nerfing the weak like beating on a dead horse while buffing already strong or keeping them as they are. BG with his superior suvivability untouched while nerfing all ranged dps around. I smell a Gravord in that balance team.

btw: - Run Away! - The speed increase will now break after using an ability. GOOD, NOW DO IT FOR THE TACTICS AS WELL if you wanna create some balance...
Last edited by lumpi33 on Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#70 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:16 am

more nerfs for mara. Now morale drain is nerfed and no utility remained. Why no nerf for WH's morale drain then??
Just waiting new server...

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