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After ability rework was done whats next

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After ability rework was done whats next

Post#1 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:12 pm

Great job on delivering new ability system, I hope it will be much much easier to adjust balance issues as it will pop out I believe.
But still there is one burning issue affecting how the game is played and how it affect new players - in a fact stopping them from really dive deeper into community - Xrealm issue.
Simple question and simple sollution:
  • Is it possible to tag any player to be enemy (red) to every faction for a period of time?
  • If yes, is it possible to make someone tagged with that buff (being red to everyone) after they switch from one faction to another, no matter the odds or numbers of players of both sides?
This would create naturally so beloved and wanted by many third faction and forced a consequences for those who freely switch sides during same day or evening while the play.


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