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Quality of Life

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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Quality of Life

Post#1 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:13 pm

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Let me start with this quote, I know nothing will change but after so many years of playing the game I thought just give it a try, at least you will now you tried !

Sometimes we see people frustrated or discouraged to play the game again or people talking about making the game more approachable for new players, well as I've been in that state before let me express some of the ideas that I think would make a lot of people change their opinion about the game and make like 99% of the player base way happier.

QoL Changes:

~ We all know there is a common bug where if you are one of the luckiest people in the game and drop a purple seed you might lose it. As a personal experience I can say this feeling sucks ... I grinded many months for that so I can have a stable source of income and then suddendly one day without me doing anything wrong, poof ... gone. It really made me sad in the way that I didnt have that much energy to log in and play and be as happy as before. Since its not a players fault make a QoL change and with certain proof (database check or w/e) restore the lost item to anyone who suffers from this bug.

~ Account bound Guild Coins and War Crests even ? Most of the playerbase here is playing at least 2-3 classes. With the QoL change of making War Crests account bound means, I still need to level my new Healer from 0 but I get to do on better terms with being able to take some of 50k(unused crest on my main) and have my gear etc. I have spent hours grinding those crests so its not like a compensation. Its just making the game more friendly to everyone. Same with guild coins. My alt already has Guild Mount and 10 Guild Tokens unused. I would like to be able to give those coins to my main so I can buy him a mount too. Not asking for a gift. Just asking for the hours (many hours) I spend playing across my characters being able to use all the rewards I take to my best personal experience.

~ New player destroying items or duplicate buy ? Lets say someone buys the replice ring by accident 2x times ... thats a 10k loss. Wouldnt it be nice that if we had some good NPC to sell it back or some good manager who with certain proof he would restore that ? And I am not saying doing that on a daily basis on the same guy. But have like 2-3 free charge per account to make a ticket for such restoration ? Some goes for destroying an item ?

It really doesnt feel like this changes are game breaking. To me it mostly feels like it would make the game much more enjoyable for a lot of us and would actually feel warmer to the playerbase and that our time we spend matters.

Thanks for your time !
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Posts: 13

Re: Quality of Life

Post#2 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:45 pm

I like this idea with account bound War Crests, Guild Coins, Gensis Crests and Triumphant Insignias. This has been proposed several times, and it will probably not be implemented for some reasons. Maybe change only for Genesis Crests, Triumphant Insignias can be considered, or making that War Crests from City/Forts bags are account bound?

Posts: 268

Re: Quality of Life

Post#3 » Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:00 pm

Miaksol wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:16 am
IrkulixAenDeith wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:45 pm I like this idea with account bound War Crests, Guild Coins, Gensis Crests and Triumphant Insignias. This has been proposed several times, and it will probably not be implemented for some reasons puppet hockey. Maybe change only for Genesis Crests, Triumphant Insignias can be considered, or making that War Crests from City/Forts bags are account bound?
I like this idea with account bound War Crests, Guild Coins, Gensis Crests and Triumphant Insignias. This has been proposed several times, and it will probably not be implemented for some reasons.
it wont happen because people would actually gear their healer and tank alts with their dps mains then maybe even start playing them on the regular. cant have that

Posts: 1

Re: Quality of Life

Post#4 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:16 am

IrkulixAenDeith wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:45 pm I like this idea with account bound War Crests, Guild Coins, Gensis Crests and Triumphant Insignias. This has been proposed several times, and it will probably not be implemented for some reasons.geometry dash Maybe change only for Genesis Crests, Triumphant Insignias can be considered, or making that War Crests from City/Forts bags are account bound?
Due to the fact that people will begin to consistently use their dps mains on their tank and healer alts, essentially gearing them, this will never occur. is not going to be able to
Last edited by yaniebogisish on Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Quality of Life

Post#5 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:56 am

Eisboleas wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:13 pm New player destroying items or duplicate buy ? Lets say someone buys the replice ring by accident 2x times ... thats a 10k loss. Wouldnt it be nice that if we had some good NPC to sell it back or some good manager who with certain proof he would restore that ? And I am not saying doing that on a daily basis on the same guy. But have like 2-3 free charge per account to make a ticket for such restoration ? Some goes for destroying an item ?
Doesn't the deleted items go to the buyback option in the any merchant? Or maybe it does not work this way anymore but I swear i have bought some stuff from merchant after i destroyed it.
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Re: Quality of Life

Post#6 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:45 am

The war crest idea is bad. Having high lvl gear and having a high rr are indicator of invested time. Now, having invested time in a character doesn't imply that you are good at it, but it implies a basic lvl of proficiency in your role.

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