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Morales rework suggestion.

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Posts: 1429

Morales rework suggestion.

Post#1 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:28 pm

In RoR morales are pretty limited- all of them are short duration dmg/buff/cc ability which you build up to during fight. Lot of morales are never even getting used, specially most of m4 which are suppose to be the goal of going up a tree.

There is old game Battle Realms which has something similar to morales- battle gear- but with much more possibilities. Battle gear is a powerful ability which unit can select and carry, however unlike RoR there is much more choice with battle gear- some are instant effects of different types, some can be carried a limited amount of before needing to go to building to recharge, some are constant passive buffs, some are mines which can be placed and remain till activated, some give extra abilities which the unit doesn't usually has like stealth, some add extra abilities with a high stamina cost, etc.

Now there are realms mechanics made around morales in RoR, so probably it will be better to create a parallel set of morales to regular ones, with toons choosing at the trainer if they want to use the regular morales set, or a new morale.

Here are some suggestions for alt morales set, based on Battle Realms:

- Instead of morales charging during fight, a morale having a limited number of charges which are readily available, but recharge slowly.
- Morale allowing to see a much larger area around the player for a short time/allowing to see enemies on the minimap for a short time.
- Morale which provides a constant high passive buff to resists + armor, but in exchange prevents use of active morale abilities.
- Morale allowing any class to use stealth- but in exchange prevents use of other morales.
- Passive morale which makes a short lived pets spawn from nearby killed players and attack the opposite side.
- Morale allowing to spawn a limited number of a very long duration mines- those stay around till activated, dealing a high dmg to whoever activates them, or till player who spawned them logs/switches zone. If there is time limit, then its 10 min+.
- Favorite from several games- when player is killed, a high dmg aoe goes off at his location. Possibly to give some counterplay, with some delay- for example, a skull spawns above the dead player, then explodes in 2 sec.
- Morale which allows any class to use charge- once again at the cost of not being able to use other morales.
- Morale giving a class ability to use specific powerful abilities- for example snaring paddle similar to am/sham, which also does dmg in the area- but at a very high ap cost, say 150 ap per use.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

Posts: 702

Re: Morales rework suggestion.

Post#2 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:10 pm

Its great idea, totally agreed!

Posts: 308

Re: Morales rework suggestion.

Post#3 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:14 pm

Just no

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Posts: 209

Re: Morales rework suggestion.

Post#4 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:20 pm

No to morals that mirror class spefic abilitys like stealth, charge, pet ... for everyone
I mean there is a reason for a WL dont have stealth or a Sorc dont have charge.

In the end a moral is a ability on steroid. So it have a high impact on fights and should not be ready at the start of a battle
Knick WL RR85+
Knickli Mara RR80+


Posts: 1429

Re: Morales rework suggestion.

Post#5 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:05 pm

knick wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:20 pm No to morals that mirror class spefic abilitys like stealth, charge, pet ... for everyone
I mean there is a reason for a WL dont have stealth or a Sorc dont have charge.

In the end a moral is a ability on steroid. So it have a high impact on fights and should not be ready at the start of a battle
Specifically about stealth or charge- both are regular abilities of classes, and per suggestion in OP WL who wants stealth or sorc who wants charge will have to give up on use of any other moral to get those. So its a choice- if the WL or the sorc believe that they can do better by gaining a regular ability of other class in exchange for giving up on morals, they can try it.

Specifically about stealth considering how powerful it is, one possibility it to make it less powerful for non WH/WE who takes it- for example make the duration 30 sec, instead of 90 or how long was it for WH/WE.

As for moral in the beginning of the fight, if you look at the OP most of the options don't actually offer direct dmg morals like dps/tank m2- what they offer is passive benefits, or advantage which isn't directly dmg related (see enemies on minimap for a short time), or ability which requires specific circumstances to work- like the short duration pets which require corpses to spawn. Options which do offer direct dmg in some way in the beginning of the fight have some other downside- 150 ap cost meaning using half of your total ap for a single cast, or less powerful effects with long recharge on charges (the first option). And again, all of those mean that in exchange the player can't use regular morals.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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