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Clone low tier sets to new higher ilevel sets

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Posts: 57

Clone low tier sets to new higher ilevel sets

Post#1 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:27 pm

I had a quick search but couldn't find anything suggesting this.

  • There are many sets in the game that are either skipped or underutilised during a player's journey.
  • Many with sets unique or interesting set-piece bonuses are no longer used, but would be used if the stat negative wasn't so huge.
  • "Trade-offs vs reward" for using lower-tier sets doesn't exist - the scales are so far tipped that it's not a reasonable or realistic argument.
  • Create copies of all sets below item level 60 to have item level 60 versions (I would suggest 60-65, but it gets very close to victorious/triumphant at that point). Critically, Bloodlord does not qualify.
  • This only applies to armour sets - not trinkets or weapons.
  • Perhaps add a suffix - reforged?
  • Requires previous set TOK (and maybe the Invader TOK), and relevant low tier set piece to be traded in, plus appropriate tokens to receive upgraded version.
  • I would suggest a token cost equal to invader for each set.

  • Biggest beneficiaries would be for the T1 sets - it'd help fresh CR40 characters with that important extra mastery a little bit earlier
  • Gives sets and classes new ways to play.
  • Revitalises content - some sets, like Beastlord or Overlord would be very interesting and worth pursuing.
  • Item level 60-65 so as not to replace the need or drive for pursuit of higher tier sets.
  • Prevents skipping of sets and content as you will need TOK or pieces to trade in like SC weapons.
  • Gives warcrests extended purpose, well past sovereign.
  • Breaks up the ubiquity of sovereign/warlord/triumphant - more options makes for more variety.
  • Won't invalidate future content - gives more drive to do low-tier content as rewards could be upgraded to be useful on high RR characters.
  • More itemisation options = more ways to build = greater build diversity = more robust meta.


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