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Box running alternative idea

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Posts: 4

Box running alternative idea

Post#1 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:50 pm

There was a discussion in discord about box running and potential alternatives yesterday and I came up with what I thought might be a decent idea. It's really just surface level and needs fleshing out. I'm also a somewhat newer player that only has one level 40/RR40 character, so I might not understand certain things.

It seems like BOs exist to accomplish goals:

1. Create traffic between forts and various other points on the map.
2. Be a source of leveling forts.

The general sentiment I've heard is that people don't like running boxes and would prefer to do something more PvP oriented. My idea aims to address that as well as offer varied types of PvP:

Players would go to either the fort or a BO to get a quest to get a certain number of kills. It could even be that the quest is globally active for the realm, but players need to go to the fort/BO to begin participating. The quest would send the player(s) to different areas depending on the number of players in the group. This obviously wouldn't work perfectly, but it feels like it's a step in the right direction.

Solo players would get sent to one area to fight other solo players.
Groups of 2-6 would get sent to another area.
Warbands would get sent to yet another area.

Upon completing their portion of the quest, players could go to the keep to turn it in. They would then go to another BO to be sent to another area.

This would also allow fine control of where players are being sent. Too much action in the current solo area? Start directing players to a different area. The goal also isn't to ensure fair solo/group/WB fights. People will always go to the other areas and I think that's fine. It just offers a PvP alternative to box running and the possibility of finding the PvP content you want, in an organic way. It also sends players to a number of different points which would spread population throughout the maps. Roaming groups would be able to find action in many different places.

Completely unrelated, but another complaint I heard was about players switching sides to push to their city so they could easily farm crests. I have no experience with this, but had an idea as well. Offer a renown and crests bonus for staying on one realm that is greater than players can get by pushing the other side to their city. It's simple, so I'm sure this has been discussed before. Just thought I'd mention it.

Alright, feel free to tear these ideas apart :D

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Posts: 48

Re: Box running alternative idea

Post#2 » Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:41 pm

I'm not sure the coding allows to differentiate between the player either being solo or in a group. Quests can be either sharable or not, that's it afaik. Also, kill quests may not be restricted to a certain area of an rvr lake if they are player characters, but I may be wrong on this one. Beyond that, those who just roam the lake can easily offset any sort of balance this mechanic would spread.

The unrelated part was implemented during live WAR, it was called AAO or something... The trick was/is, extra renown is cool, but you cannot get famous in this game if you step in front of the zerg train.
Moirran, Zealot RR40+
Albin, Blackguard <40

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