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Undercroft Vendors

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Undercroft Vendors

Post#1 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:44 pm

I remember in Undercroft there were alot of vendors selling Renown gear, pots and later Lotd cloaks, dyes and other fancy items. I wounder if it would be possible to introduce in game at least 1 of this vendors, which could sell us lvl11+ gear.
Latest path increased lvl cap, and i find this really awesome, but it creates as well few imbalancing problems:
-Order afaik doesnt have farm spots to get lvl11 Bloody gear
-Destro have only few Enraged souls dropping this gear and farming it is really pain in ass.
Idk if introducing this vendor(s) is hard or not, but i see this possibility as great improvment of our gaming, becouse:
-it equalizing both factions gearing
-atm besides scs ppl are just farming pve mobs. If they would have opportunity to get this/simmilar gear by other ways i bet we could see more ppl just doing open RvR instead, wich is we all aiming for.
Let me know what y guys think about it.
Muschroom / Gloom / Iznoogood
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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#2 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:21 pm

Agree. I hate farming.

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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#3 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:23 pm

The lack of mobs for Bloody gear isn't so bad, it just feels like the first day of an expansion of any MMO when herds of players descend on mobs that ordinary would have fewer players killing them. In a week it might not seem so hard to acquire Bloody items. Best not be hasty to make changes, just have to let it play out. I'll be deep in the woods until then though, and staying well away from AH (Orcrage).

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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#4 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:31 pm

Orcpacolypse wrote:The lack of mobs for Bloody gear isn't so bad, it just feels like the first day of an expansion of any MMO when herds of players descend on mobs that ordinary would have fewer players killing them. In a week it might not seem so hard to acquire Bloody items. Best not be hasty to make changes, just have to let it play out. I'll be deep in the woods until then though, and staying well away from AH (Orcrage).
Actually i was thinking about that vendors lot earlier, becouse level of PvE farming in this PvP game is ridiculous. no matter its alfa, most ppl are here for PvP. Always when i log i see alot of ppl farming gear, but noone in open PvP. I know it isnt 100% fixed yet, but noone goes there becouse all are busy farming.
I say would be awesome to give ppl choice: buy gear from vendor and pvp or make countless farm to get even better gear.
Im happy that at least vengence vendor is in game, its especially nice for ppl who has limited time to play and want focus pvp, not gimping themselves totally. The future lvl increasing paths ll make this problem even bigger, especially when we go higher tiers.
But now it is imo good time to add them vendors to balance fractions gear as well. I dont want to fight order with 2+ lvl gear worse than destro tbh.
Muschroom / Gloom / Iznoogood
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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#5 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:51 pm

I agree with this post. Farm if you want, that is your choice. Its not really what this game is about. We can argue macroeconomics, but PvP and Questing is what Warhammer is about.
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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#6 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:55 pm

What're the argument(s) against making it available from vendors, if any?

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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#7 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:59 pm

Zealote wrote:What're the argument(s) against making it available from vendors, if any?
Turn's the game into easy-mode if it takes no work/dedication to make your toon the best it can possibly be. Doesn't necessarily mean the game should be a grind-fest, but people should have to put in the effort to gear up. Just my opinion of course.

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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#8 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:07 pm

There was no grind in live. Best gear was mostly bought with pvp tokens. pve gear dropped off any mob of appropriate level or from dungeons. This is just an issue from the way drops have unique lists per mob and that lvl max is between pvp gear tiers. When its fixed people will just pvp and quest farming won't be needed.

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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#9 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:23 pm

Orcpacolypse wrote:
Zealote wrote:What're the argument(s) against making it available from vendors, if any?
Turn's the game into easy-mode if it takes no work/dedication to make your toon the best it can possibly be. Doesn't necessarily mean the game should be a grind-fest, but people should have to put in the effort to gear up. Just my opinion of course.
To know your class and get used to it, its enough to level up. Farming gear is the most time wasting bullshit ever. ^^
If the gear requires renownrank you will work for them by roaming in rvr or sc. But constantly brainless farming mobs is so exhausting.
the vengeance vendor is a good example.

"You will need rr15 to wear this item"

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Re: Undercroft Vendors

Post#10 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:38 pm

amputationsaw wrote:
Orcpacolypse wrote:
Zealote wrote:What're the argument(s) against making it available from vendors, if any?
Turn's the game into easy-mode if it takes no work/dedication to make your toon the best it can possibly be. Doesn't necessarily mean the game should be a grind-fest, but people should have to put in the effort to gear up. Just my opinion of course.
To know your class and get used to it, its enough to level up. Farming gear is the most time wasting bullshit ever. ^^
If the gear requires renownrank you will work for them by roaming in rvr or sc. But constantly brainless farming mobs is so exhausting.
the vengeance vendor is a good example.

"You will need rr15 to wear this item"
How much roaming is done as of now, in T1? Maybe there should be a vendor that gives us a pot that grants us auto Rank12 and Renown rank 20 if people really don't want to put any effort into their character. Maybe we should also be given the very best gear available as soon as we spawn into the game. I'll tell you what would happen then - constant realm switching the minute one realm is doing badly in SC's, and a small handful of organized players controlling the entire RVR in the game since new gear is so readily available for either faction. So in essence people that harp on about being 'casuals' would be the people most hurt by any change that makes these things easier. Remember good players can and will take advantage of features designed to make the game more accessible for casual players. I take your point about gear requiring renown rank and how that takes time as it is, albeit if you grind your renown rank the honest way, which not everyone does.

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