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Feedback/ideas for the new City/Lotd mechanic

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
Posts: 783

Feedback/ideas for the new City/Lotd mechanic

Post#1 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:39 am

So I haven't seen any threads concerning this yet, so apologies if I missed that.

I am happy they have changed the mechanic for city and LOTD, this is a big change and is highly impactful. I know it's still relatively new and I haven't experienced it that much but lets bring up some pros and cons, then some suggestions.
The first siege I queued solo and was granted access with little wait time. Previous solo queue was basically not working.
This big patch brought us this change and the currency revamp, and together they work hand-in-hand. I think they have put a lot of thought into these changes.

removes late-night sieges
more fortress action
more consistent scenarios
improved city queue and matchmaking, even for solo queue
new ways to earn gear

seiges are too sparse now?
not player driven/organic
cities are the best place to earn renown and medals (maybe a positive??)

suggestions (random thoughts)
implement a threshold on population which activates these events, so that if the population is too low, then we won't get city siege but will get a point for your realm when you cap a fortress.
when population cap is above the threshold then a modified mechanic is activated, to be more player driven.

final thoughts
This change brings us back almost to the days of pre-city in RoR. This was a good time for RoR, very active and a lot of focus on RvR gameplay and scenarios. I think that right now the change is a overall positive for RoR, players seem to be enjoying it (as far as I can tell), at the least change is good. I also like the idea of both city AND LOTD hinging off of the campaign more, as opposed a more repetitive and predictable outcomes.
The main concern I have now is that people will most likely want to have more access to the city


Posts: 119

Re: Feedback/ideas for the new City/Lotd mechanic

Post#2 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:49 am

Or like to see lotd open if three zones get locked.
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