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Pounce/Leap feedback

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Posts: 1896

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#41 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:05 pm

put pounce back to its old location before every WL rerolls to some other alt
add normal Pounce/Leap CD to 15 sec, with Loner/ABM tactics you get cd reduced to 8 sec
restore range to 65ft, restore Sm range to 100ft (its morale, supposed to be better than ability and is one of the unique offensive warband gameplay utility morales Order has left)
revert dmg to normal so it can crit again
delete WE pounce, 30ft is a range that is too short for most tanks trying to guard, or put it at 40-45ft and on some useful finisher (not anti-spell finisher which is the least useful), but would rather really have that massive armor debuff that stacks with dps Runie/Zealot aoe arm debuff (honestly gamebreaking when it comes to competent warbands stacking meleeballs of death but we balancing around pugs anyway as of late)

Posts: 468

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#42 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:24 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:05 pm put pounce back to its old location before every WL rerolls to some other alt
add normal Pounce/Leap CD to 15 sec, with Loner/ABM tactics you get cd reduced to 8 sec
restore range to 65ft, restore Sm range to 100ft (its morale, supposed to be better than ability and is one of the unique offensive warband gameplay utility morales Order has left)
revert dmg to normal so it can crit again
delete WE pounce, 30ft is a range that is too short for most tanks trying to guard, or put it at 40-45ft and on some useful finisher (not anti-spell finisher which is the least useful), but would rather really have that massive armor debuff that stacks with dps Runie/Zealot aoe arm debuff (honestly gamebreaking when it comes to competent warbands stacking meleeballs of death but we balancing around pugs anyway as of late)
Probably the best solution to this weird patch.

Posts: 603

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#43 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 4:25 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:05 pm delete WE pounce, 30ft is a range that is too short for most tanks trying to guard, or put it at 40-45ft and on some useful finisher (not anti-spell finisher which is the least useful), but would rather really have that massive armor debuff that stacks with dps Runie/Zealot aoe arm debuff (honestly gamebreaking when it comes to competent warbands stacking meleeballs of death but we balancing around pugs anyway as of late)
Yes, pls delete.. even with 40-45/60 feet I have doubts. Its so weird and clunky, the pounce takes the whole purpose of the witch elf = positioning.
The main issue with the skill is that is linked to stealth! Is really that hard to catch up with target when in stealth? No! By cuting the angles and oponent coming from oposite direction, no problem there. Longer stealth also helps here.
The real gap closer = Elixir of shadows / OIL thank you devs for that.

WE/WH openers have been mirrored for the past 10 years... why change?

IMO WE should have the same armor debuff.
Krima - WE RR 87
Carnage :ugeek:

Posts: 1295

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#44 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:36 pm

normanis wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:12 am

video what clearly shows magus have top dps 4.7 million? and second place is mara 3million? we clearly see how magus outdamage white lion. and it was 17 november. not last friday when mixed up wl stuff
If you are taking in consideration the 3rd stage for any kind of rational conclusion...well, i have nothing more to add. When ppl cant get any clue of what is seeing...

Posts: 259

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#45 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 5:20 am

Sundowner wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:13 pm
emiliorv wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:06 pm
Sundowner wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:34 pm

WL main says "Git gud" because you clearly should not be dominated by WLs and SWs in ranked as you are describing, nothing personal.

Yes I have played ranked as WL+aSW, even yesterday, which did not feel like "dominating" at all. Played as 2 WL several matches, won against several enemies (mainly badly equipped/specced) and lost against good WE+mara.

Yes, I have played in cities with separate AOE and ST groups in both in AOE and ST and played against most of top destro wbs. Never I have seen what you are describing as pouncing WLs with ENERMOUS aoe damage. Only thing I think was overtuned for city WL was pounce+finisher, which allowed for fast switching to targets, this was removed from mastery tree change and I was pro this choice. see? I don't whine for my class to be stronger, I did not whine when pounce damage was removed, because it gave big bonus to burst damage (also pet stat addition did not greatly compensated for that), I did not whine when pet skill stat modifiers were changed making pet damage useless outside trained to kill.

I made this post because reducing WL/mSH mobility to other mdps kills whole idea of class.

Maybe you didnt know about this thread because happened just when you joined ROR, but well...there was life before any of us joined the server:

Things have changed since then, but still WL is a solid mdps, lets not pretend that WLs are useless mdps hitting like wet noodles...check some vids of solid guilds => on Xergon channel (youtube ) you can find some vids of TUP
You are a known troll for now, but I will respond to you this time. You know when BW bomb wb's were meta in city and now they aren't and everybody tries to build melee train wbs? now use imagination and think about the possibility that if one realm invents some strategic approach to the game most of the time the other realm is caught in surprise, which results in series of wins until the other side adapts to it. This is what happened in that case which was many months ago.

So we should nerf WL pounce because it was op year ago and since than city meta is dominated by slayers that are much stronger in city than wl? do you understand how stupid that argument is?

Also when I said that WLs were weak mdps classes who hit like wet noodles? stop lying. I say that labeling WL damage as ENERMOUS is plainly wrong, because slayer/choppa deal more dmg, and mara/sh deal roughly the same dmg by having more utility.
Notably all that happened before the Slayer/Choppa max aoe cap was raised to 24(and WE/WH got exterminatus). The advantages were 24 cap, large armor penetration, interrupts, extreme mobility, high aoe damage to the point tanks were dying as fast as the squishy dps through guard damage. And the counter, if you can call it that was chaining aoe interrupts on MA to disrupt the whirling axe spam. Of course once Slayers had the 24 cap a 200ygd overpowered abomination was unleashed and the people who could milk it brought whole new level of "Wtf were the devs thinking?" and the guys running it got their full SoV leading to it's eventual fade from relevance.

Sure Slayer outshines everything, but tbh if you got a bunch of good WLs together you could probably pull it off again barring issues with mastery builds.

Posts: 92

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#46 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:31 am

Averange range of Rdps is 100 feet vs now a 45 feet pounce just no !

Bring back our pounce

Posts: 178

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#47 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:45 am

Aurandilaz wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:05 pm delete WE pounce, 30ft is a range that is too short for most tanks trying to guard, or put it at 40-45ft and on some useful finisher (not anti-spell finisher which is the least useful), but would rather really have that massive armor debuff that stacks with dps Runie/Zealot aoe arm debuff (honestly gamebreaking when it comes to competent warbands stacking meleeballs of death but we balancing around pugs anyway as of late)
If anything, just remove the leap all together. At least it would be less insulting.

Posts: 70

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#48 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:22 am

45ft on pounce? might as well remove it entirely. Restore it or remove.

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Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#49 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:20 am

andy wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:22 am 45ft on pounce? might as well remove it entirely. Restore it or remove.
Shoudn´t it get at least a bit more testing before?
If its that ****, nobody would use it already (especially as you have to spend skill points to get it), but occasionally you still see ppl use it.
If its totally landing in the garbage bin, then you could remove it and think about another ability to put in there instead, but not yet.

Posts: 92

Re: Pounce/Leap feedback

Post#50 » Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:24 am

In every MMO class with Leap/pounce whatever... Exists and most of time their leap version perform way better than the warhammer one.

Its not a gamebreaking mechanics, Nerf this iconic skill is not good for the game.

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