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Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#31 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:35 am

I was expecting a backlash earlier for renown gain nerf from RvR activities, it took you some time guys. I felt bad the moment I read the patchnotes. When warband leaders asked for encouraging BO gameplay and splitting up fights this was not what they wanted, you cant encourage BO fighting by nerfing renown gain in other activities, lots of guild/organised warbands probably dont need renown and again they probably want good fights and royal crests from these activities. (I said probably because I cannot know what they actually want from a RvR zone, I am just speculating) New players or alts need that renown, time played=renown/gear gained was already sparse before the nerf and now its even worse. Encourage players to play the RvR/Scenarios, join organised warbands and 6 man parties, reward them for it, not discourage them.
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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#32 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:38 am

all last changes looks like they want to slow progress of new players.

Already geared guys wanna farm noobs and wont let em get equal stuff ;)

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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#33 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:55 am

Many others have noted this, but one of the biggest issues is that AAO, in reality, is encouraging people not to play together in big groups.

You get the best renown by killing solo, and with a DPS + Healer you're pretty much set to gank for huge numbers off a few kills. Net fresh kills and you'll probably get more in five minutes than you would in a full hour of warband play.

You don't want tanks and more heals to join you - because this lowers the AAO, and your bonus renown. The motivation is backwards - and really only appeals to DPS / burst classes.

To counter AAO, the idea of a group/warband bonus that increases Renown gain based on players in the group is really great!

Posts: 76

Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#34 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:24 pm

rvr 200 IQ design :D

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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#35 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:01 pm

Anything that encourages more solo roaming over zerging I'm 100% in favour of, really like the recent changes.

To you mindless zergers enjoying your 24 vs 1 fights for free renown, bite me! Bout time you learnt how to play instead of mashing keys in a warband.
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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#36 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:18 pm

nat3s wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:01 pm Anything that encourages more solo roaming over zerging I'm 100% in favour of, really like the recent changes.

To you mindless zergers enjoying your 24 vs 1 fights for free renown, bite me! Bout time you learnt how to play instead of mashing keys in a warband.
So please balance game around solo and small scale too...

At each feedback we got response "its balanced around WB plays" but rewarding system is atm is done around solo play....

I just dont get it.

I can try hard to help my team but at the end its not rewarding

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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#37 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:48 pm

facundo7777 wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:38 am all last changes looks like they want to slow progress of new players.

Already geared guys wanna farm noobs and wont let em get equal stuff ;)
This, if anything the game should be trying to hand out as much gear/rr for anyone +16-39, but that is just what i think,

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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#38 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:07 pm

Remember when you could get 30k from forts in addition to kills? Now i don't think you get that much by locking a whole pairing from t2>fort if you're in a warband all the time.
GL leveling new players...
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Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#39 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:38 pm

One realm has been chain-looting 1* IC for 2 years … Hmmm wonder why lock rewards are being reduced to not dwarf rewards from doing pvp.
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

Posts: 680

Re: Renown-obtain rates in oRvR

Post#40 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:00 pm

I've noticed a pretty large drop in renown gain as well. Zones which I played in for an hour or more and only getting ~600-800 renown for the zoneflips. Don't seem to be getting a lot of renown for killing either, even while roaming in small groups.

There already were a few measures in place to slow down renown gain above renown rank 80, like less renown for kills, if I recall correctly.

It seems that these measures are now being stacked on top of each other and taking away that little bit of progression that high renown rank players were still feeling.

If the intention behind these changes is to slow down player progression, perhaps there is a way to throw high renown rank players a bone. Maybe make the reduced renown gain cap out at a certain renown rank?
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

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