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Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#31 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:22 pm

Culexus wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:44 pmThis is now the only item in game the that’s locked behind any sort of skill ceiling. With the (very good) changes to currency, every “lolionly2handdpstankwatzaguard” can easily attain full sov without ever learning their class and being pretty much useless to everyone that groups with them.

Translation: "You don't play the game and your toon in the manner I say you should play the game and your toon therefore you suck and should suffer!"

Yeah, that is what we need more of on this server, cultural elitism. Ergo:

Culexus wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:44 pmThis is an mmo, and part of an mmo is the hardcore players at the top get better gear to show off with as a reward for their efforts.

Yeah, ok, I agree, keep your status symbol, leave the conditions in regard to the jewel as they are and the rest of us can just sit around and wait for the Vulture Lord guy to gift us whatever gear he has because reasons.
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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#32 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:31 pm

areandar wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:39 pm
Whyumadbro wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:23 pm Make Ranked Ring available for everybody! its racist if you lock gear behind a skill wall! Cuz casuals need to have BiS to, getting slowly sick of this attitude. Leave the ranked Ring how it is - grind for it - git gud

how you intent for me to grind it when there is no pop whenever i play??? fyi i spent last weekend 6 hours 1 day in que didnt leave screen didnt got 1 pop. the next day 8 hours, then the next day 10 hours NO POPS !! how does that define skill or git gud ? so skill and git gud means sit around all day till the nolifers finally que it ?
If it's any comfort. Statistically based on the ror population, there is a very little chance you would get the ring even if you did get pops.

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#33 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:12 pm

areandar wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:39 pm
Whyumadbro wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:23 pm Make Ranked Ring available for everybody! its racist if you lock gear behind a skill wall! Cuz casuals need to have BiS to, getting slowly sick of this attitude. Leave the ranked Ring how it is - grind for it - git gud

how you intent for me to grind it when there is no pop whenever i play??? fyi i spent last weekend 6 hours 1 day in que didnt leave screen didnt got 1 pop. the next day 8 hours, then the next day 10 hours NO POPS !! how does that define skill or git gud ? so skill and git gud means sit around all day till the nolifers finally que it ?
first i would not call them nolifers,

second i understand your point very well because i am in a simular situation atm with work to. cant play as much as i want sadly. my argument comes more from a side that some gear and we talk about one of the best items in the game, should have a very hard requirement to get. its possible to do, go on the discord and ask around, helped me very vell

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#34 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:18 pm

Martok wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:22 pm
Culexus wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:44 pmThis is now the only item in game the that’s locked behind any sort of skill ceiling. With the (very good) changes to currency, every “lolionly2handdpstankwatzaguard” can easily attain full sov without ever learning their class and being pretty much useless to everyone that groups with them.

Translation: "You don't play the game and your toon in the manner I say you should play the game and your toon therefore you suck and should suffer!"

Yeah, that is what we need more of on this server, cultural elitism. Ergo:

Culexus wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:44 pmThis is an mmo, and part of an mmo is the hardcore players at the top get better gear to show off with as a reward for their efforts.

Yeah, ok, I agree, keep your status symbol, leave the conditions in regard to the jewel as they are and the rest of us can just sit around and wait for the Vulture Lord guy to gift us whatever gear he has because reasons.
How convenient of you to miss the very next line of that quote were I say it's totally fine to play the game however you want and the entire rest of the game besides this single item is designed around you being able to do that.

Lets not pretend the dps tank who doesn't guard, stands in the doorway of a fort and doesn't move in on the countdown incase they die (we've all seen this) is actually playing the game as it's intended and is not a massive drag on the people that are unfortunate enough to be in the same group. This is an oldschool mmo, you're supposed to build and play for the group, not just for yourself.

One can technically achieve full endgame gear in this pvp game without ever killing an enemy if they just pvedoor they way through the whole game and it's totally fine if one wants to do that. But apparently having this one single item that can't be obtained that way is going to cause players to suffer. I love the currency changes and think it's really healthy for the game to be able to obtain endgame gear however one wants. However there should also be something for those that put countless hours into the game and perfect the playing of their class and group coordination skills to show for their efforts and set them apart. This single piece of jewelry is the only thing that does that. Although even that can be obtained by grinding ranked losses for long enough.

I totally understand the people saying it's a problem with pops rather than the currency. But that's a problem of time zone population rather than a gear problem. There are always going to be challenges of running in low pop time zones and is a separate discussion as it effects so much of the player experience beyond just ranked.
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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#35 » Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:03 pm

Culexus wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:44 pmThis is now the only item in game the that’s locked behind any sort of skill ceiling.
Insignia is locked behind games not popping, locking it behind skill wouldn't be an issue but this has to do with unavailable.

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#36 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:44 am

Give us a 3rd way to gain Insignia's, a daily(maybe every 48-72hrs?) quest for X kills in Ranked. 25week grind is silly, and 1kMMR starting point makes people either exploit the Q system(have buddies play Alts and throw) or just not Q. I get it, you don't want ANOTHER reward that can be attained via braindead play. You want an actual incentive to WIN. So do I, but it's just not feasible atm w/o major luck or playing the system.

Flat out, the 1kMMR isn't a bad idea, but we don't have the player base for this restriction. Imo.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

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Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#37 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:03 am

why does a joke game like this even have ranked? first fix bugs, second fix terrain (impossible i know), third fix server responsivness - this is problem from live i know, but literally every friend i had managed to convince to try this game has stopped because of this point. you use a skill and there's like half-a-second delay before skill gets actually triggered. this is not because of latency issues, this is just how game is made. fourth, fix class balance - in this context it would be very important to have special (ranked pvp) version of skills, because it would be impossible to balance the game for large scale rvr and small scale ranked pvp. look how guild wars did it. right now i don't even wanna try playing ranked on my main SW since we all know it's shittiest dps class that doesn't bring anything to the table.

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#38 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:18 am

Sulorie wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:20 pm At the same time, losing reduces mmr way more than wins increase it and in many cases the class setups are stacked against one team.
Thats not true and I can´t believe you actually state this. Check the statistics. You can get to 1000+ MMR with a winrate way below 50%.
Dabbart wrote: Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:44 am Give us a 3rd way to gain Insignia's, a daily(maybe every 48-72hrs?) quest for X kills in Ranked. 25week grind is silly, and 1kMMR starting point makes people either exploit the Q system(have buddies play Alts and throw) or just not Q. I get it, you don't want ANOTHER reward that can be attained via braindead play. You want an actual incentive to WIN. So do I, but it's just not feasible atm w/o major luck or playing the system.

Flat out, the 1kMMR isn't a bad idea, but we don't have the player base for this restriction. Imo.
Plenty of people already got the ring. You say they all exploited the Q or were gaming the system?

I do think there should be an easier way to get insignias. probably best way is to increase the weekly rewards to 5 insignias for 10 wins. This way everyone could get the ring in a reasonable amount of time and your performance would still be rewarded as you can get the ring faster ifyou win the majority of your games.

People in time zones where solo ranked doesn´t pop have a problem. But thats true for other stuff in the game also. If solo ranked doesn´t pop, chances are high that other people in your time zone also don´t have the ring. So it doesn´t matter for balance. Just assume this item doesn´t exist. Or you promote the game mode in your time zone. Or you form a group and queue for group ranked. Groups the same realm could fight in group ranked.

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#39 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:32 pm

For those people who want the best players to have the best rewards, why is 1000 MMR from solo queueing for 6v6 cross-realm team deathmatch with server-enforced team comps used to determine who is "best"?

Giving the best rewards to a solo queue... smh.

It's not even just the ring either. BIS event slot items can be bought on demand with double the stats of normal event slot items and the best vendor potions are from ranked too.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Ranked jewelry change the price to 5000k war crest to buy

Post#40 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:56 pm

Listen if it actually popped u think i wouldve made a post.
pretending it doesnt exist and that people in my timezone dont have it is utter bullshit. They can probably play in timezones where they do pop wich sadly i cannot do.
Even to increase weekly doesnt help at all CAUSE AGAIN THEY DO NOT POP. can we please be logical and add a war crest currency to it heck even 10k i dont care make it 20k also fine. But then at least i can work towards a goal.

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