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Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
Posts: 404

Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#11 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:09 pm

Scottx125 wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:05 pm Agreed. Killboard should show K/D ratio. Without showing kills or deaths. Reward the top performing guilds for PVP in active zones.
Its the k/d ratio that makes people play differently. War needs people to die not hide to protect their k/d ratio. Just kills no deaths.
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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#12 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:22 pm

Yeah anything that makes a public record of 'failures' is going to discourage participation.

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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#13 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 4:30 pm

Agree on both suggestions : RoR was more fun and engaging without SoR being so much granular (a vague idea of the imbalance in lake should be enough, like previously), and that many people including me, for no real reason, started to care too much about their KDR, wich led to puny and selfish behaviors from players, instead of enjoying the fight, even when they know it's lost...

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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#14 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:13 pm

kdr should be got rid of for normal kills, but kept for solo kills. It's nice being able to see who beat you in a duel and 1v1 hasn't got the same mentality to kdr as rvr.
Bigun - 85 Black Orc
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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#15 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:22 pm

Culexus wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:13 pm kdr should be got rid of for normal kills, but kept for solo kills. It's nice being able to see who beat you in a duel and 1v1 hasn't got the same mentality to kdr as rvr.
I dont mind using addons like deathblows to track personal records, but issue with Killboard that its public. Everyone can judge everyone, and being exposed as that leads to defensive playstyle - afking keep, afking scs, leeching kills by chasing soloers etc.

Posts: 705

Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#16 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:16 am

I, completly agreed with this venerable author of this topic,
Like we say in Poland: its obvious obviousness :)

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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#17 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:17 am

Remove killboard, useless piece of junk creating a "I don't want negative ratio" effect.

Remove SoR, all we need is to know when next City will start. Actually SoR is a huge problem, this addon removes the "fog of war" so people just go where they can win. There's also no more scouts, way less communication and it simply kills the strategic part of the game.

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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#18 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:38 am

Phantasm wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:22 pm
Culexus wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:13 pm kdr should be got rid of for normal kills, but kept for solo kills. It's nice being able to see who beat you in a duel and 1v1 hasn't got the same mentality to kdr as rvr.
I dont mind using addons like deathblows to track personal records, but issue with Killboard that its public. Everyone can judge everyone, and being exposed as that leads to defensive playstyle - afking keep, afking scs, leeching kills by chasing soloers etc.
You really notice people playing different since its addition?
I see daily people rushing in to die without remorse. Those who care play with caution since live, no matter how extensive the public statics are.

On live we didn't had something like this, just add-ons like dammaz kron.
The way of playing was the same.
Some players don't bother with survival and dgaf and charge like a roleplaying Choppa/Slayer.
Others seek enjoyment in not losing while defining losing as dying.

Maybe I don't have the newest SOR addon but I see only a variyng range of population in a zone like 25-100, which doesn't give enough information, especially when it is 25-100 on enemy side too.
The key info to judge the population is aao bonus, not population. Pop alone is only sufficient during low pop NA hours, when it is loop sided per Default since a long while and all know it, no need to hide the numbers.
Dying is no option.

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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#19 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:07 am

KDR board just promoted more toxic behavior.

Its a double edge sword if SoR is removed. Main issue with that is players don't tend to communicate accurate information, and it sets up for toxic behavior as well.

Exp 1

-2 wbs set up and hide in an active zone- one or two players from that wb log over to other side

-said 1-2 players report zone empty or ripe for the taking, then waits to see if enemy calls to head into said zone

-because "spys" never went into rvr, no lock out, so logs back over and enjoys the trap.

A sound tactic for real life sure, but in a game like this, would be perceived as toxic play.
Fenaal- SM 40/84
Fanaal- CH 40/7x

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Re: Concerns regarding recent directions RoR is taking

Post#20 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:27 am

OP argues against AAO being showed pretty much. And reason for that is some people scared to go in the lakes cause of numbers disparity.. Well a lot of people aren't scared and using this info to log on underdog, so now what? Also without it being showed you will have to enter every lake yourself just to check it, probably locking yourself in the process. How does that fix anything again? People who scared playing during aao wont play it anyway. Your proposal will only increase amount of frustration and force more people to leave game for good.

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